version 5.00
begin vb.form form1
caption = "form1"
clientheight = 4995
clientleft = 60
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linktopic = "form1"
scaleheight = 4995
scalewidth = 5280
startupposition = 3 '視窗預設
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text = "text4"
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visible = 0 'false
width = 1215
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height = 615
left = 1560
tabindex = 14
text = "text3"
top = 2400
visible = 0 'false
width = 975
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height = 615
left = 240
tabindex = 13
text = "text2"
top = 2400
visible = 0 'false
width = 975
endbegin vb.frame frame2
caption = "frame2"
height = 2175
left = 3120
tabindex = 8
top = 120
width = 1575
begin vb.optionbutton option5
caption = "5"
height = 495
left = 120
tabindex = 12
top = 120
width = 1335
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caption = "6"
height = 495
left = 120
tabindex = 11
top = 600
width = 1335
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caption = "7"
height = 495
left = 120
tabindex = 10
top = 1080
width = 1335
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caption = "8"
height = 495
left = 120
tabindex = 9
top = 1560
width = 1335
begin vb.frame frame1
caption = "frame1"
height = 2175
left = 120
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top = 0
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begin vb.optionbutton option1
caption = "1"
height = 495
left = 120
tabindex = 7
top = 240
width = 735
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caption = "2"
height = 495
left = 120
tabindex = 6
top = 720
width = 735
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caption = "3"
height = 495
left = 120
tabindex = 5
top = 1200
width = 735
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caption = "4"
height = 495
left = 120
tabindex = 4
top = 1680
width = 735
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caption = "h"
height = 495
left = 1320
tabindex = 2
top = 1080
width = 1335
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caption = "q"
height = 495
left = 1320
tabindex = 1
top = 600
width = 1335
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height = 495
left = 240
tabindex = 0
text = "text1"
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attribute vb_name = "form1"
attribute vb_globalnamespace = false
attribute vb_creatable = false
attribute vb_predeclaredid = true
attribute vb_exposed = false
private sub option1_click()
text2 = option1.caption
end sub
private sub option2_click()
text2 = option2.caption
end sub
private sub option3_click()
text2 = option3.caption
end sub
private sub option4_click()
text2 = option4.caption
end sub
private sub option5_click()
text4 = option5.caption
end sub
private sub option6_click()
text4 = option6.caption
end sub
private sub option7_click()
text4 = option7.caption
end sub
private sub option8_click()
text4 = option8.caption
end sub
private sub option9_click()
text3 = option9.caption
end sub
private sub option10_click()
text3 = option10.caption
end sub
private sub text2_change()
text1 = "從" + text2 + "乘坐" + text3 + "到" + text4
end sub
private sub text3_change()
text1 = "從" + text2 + "乘坐" + text3 + "到" + text4
end sub
private sub text4_change()
text1 = "從" + text2 + "乘坐" + text3 + "到" + text4
end sub
他,是乙個長頭髮,小眼睛。小鼻子的人。整天一無所獲。坐街賣場,竟然在人們心中刻下啦深深的印象。從這個人身上看不出有何 天賦,五音不全。沒有明星,專業人士的 氣質。從小到大,從很大到老他一直以普通人身份,默默無聞 應付應付得啦 一 就是做事 做人 都不要自卑,向著不自卑的方向行走。1.自卑具有普遍性 ...
10.分類討論 1 m 0時,方程變為2 x 1 0 2 x 1 x 0,方程僅有一解,a 滿足題意。2 m 0時,m 2 x m 1 2 x 1 02 x恆 0,將2 x看做未知數 要a只有乙個元素,方程判別式 0或 0但由一根非正。m 1 4m m 2m 1 4m m 2m 1 m 1 恆 0 ...
補充回答 1 cit is always easy to say something,but it is quite another other to do it.有些事說起來容易,做起來卻是另外一碼事。說來容易做來難 d quite other 形容詞。意思是 完全不同的。語法上問題不大,但考慮到...