
時間 2022-05-20 19:30:10


1. because currently i still can't afford to pay my tuition fees and living expenses.

2. this is a beautiful campus and i like zhuhai, and more importantly, there are many good teachers and professors.

3 my major is art and design, because i developed a habit of drawing and designing from childhood on, and majoring in design is relatively easy to find a job.


does not require a tool with some rotten, because i will:

1、 because i still can not afford to pay my tuition fees and living expenses.

2、this is a beautiful campus, i like zhuhai, and more importantly, there are many good teachers and professors.

3、 my specialty is art and design, because i had a habit of drawing and design, and the design is relatively easy to find a job.

does not require complicated vocabulary.


我是英語老師,幫幫你。1.盡量在上課和課後說英語。2.盡量 學會 用英語思維。3.活學活用英語 通過使用英語來學會英語 4.對於努力嘗試的人來說,沒有什麼是難的。5.自信是成功的第一要訣。好了,我也祝你成功!1,試著在課內外都說英語 2,試著用英語思維想 3,在使用英語中學習英語 4,對於乙個勇於嘗...


我是乙個英語老師,據我判斷你是想要 定語 的那部分,並且很可能想要定語從句。此處可用三種作定語 1 定語從句,2 現在分詞短語 3 介詞短語 1.the boy who that is on the black bike is lilei.the boy who that is riding a b...


第一句 對於美國和英國的多數青少年來說,可以得到禮物的節日每年有兩次 生日和12月25日來臨的聖誕節前夕。母親節母親節是母親的假日。這一天,媽媽都不用上班。這一天是五月的第二個週日。美國 英國 瑞典 印度 墨西哥和其他一些國家。那天,許多人給母親送禮物以表愛意。母親健在的人會戴著粉色或者紅色玫瑰或者...