private function prime(n as integer) as boolean '返回值=true是素數,false不是素數
dim k as integer
prime = true
for k = 2 to n - 1
if (n mod k) = 0 then prime = false: exit for
next k
end function
private sub command1_click()dim i as integer,j as integerfor i = 2 to 100
if prime(i) then
print format(i, "@@@@@");
j = j + 1
if j = 10 then j = 0: printend if
end sub
option explicit
private sub command1_click()dim i as integer
for i = 2 to 100
if sushu(i) then print inext
end sub
function sushu(n as integer) as boolean
dim i as integer
sushu = true
for i = 2 to n - 1
if n / i = n \ i thensushu = false
exit function
end if
end function
private sub command1 click 按鈕響應。if 1 then loadpicture e end if if 2 then loadpicture e end if end sub private sub text1 change 文字框內容變化響應。if 1 then loa...
巨集淑敏頻雀 dima asstringa inputbox 輸入乙個字元,如果過位,系統將擷取第一位,如果留空,系統取小寫a iflen a 0 thena a elseif len a 1thena mid a,1,1 endif ifasc a asc a andasc a asc z the...
編寫程式,判斷正整數3 是否為素數 用VB)
所謂素數,是指除了1和該數本身之外,不能被其他任何整數整除的數。例如,13是素數,因為它不能被2,3,4,12整除。判斷乙個數n n 3 是否素數的方法是很簡單的 將n作為被除數,將2到 n 1 各個整數輪流作為除數,如果都不能被整除,則n為素數。private sub command1 click...