private type employeeinfo
serial as string
name as string
wage as single
end type
dim work(1 to 5) as employeeinfo
private sub command1_click()
static n as integer
if trim(text1.text) = "" or trim(text2.text) = "" or trim(text3.
text) = "" then msgbox "新增時,文字框均不得留空!": exit sub
n = n + 1
work(n).serial = text1.text
work(n).name = text2.text
work(n).wage = val(text3.text)
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
me.caption = "已新增" & n & "位職工的資訊"
if n = 5 then
command2.enabled = true
command1.enabled = false
me.caption = "請按職工工資排序"
msgbox "5位職工的資訊已新增完畢!"
end if
end sub
private sub command2_click()
dim i as integer, j as integer, t as single, temp as string
for i = 1 to 4
for j = i + 1 to 5
if work(i).wage < work(j).wage then
t = work(i).wage: work(i).wage = work(j).wage: work(j).wage = t
temp = work(i).serial: work(i).serial = work(j).serial: work(j).serial = temp
temp = work(i).name: work(i).name = work(j).name: work(j).name = temp
end if
for i = 1 to 5
picture1.print work(i).serial, work(i).name, work(i).wage
end sub
private sub form_load()
label1.caption = "職工號"
label2.caption = "姓名"
label3.caption = "工資"
text1.text = ""
text2.text = ""
text3.text = ""
command1.caption = "新增"
command2.caption = "排序"
command2.enabled = false
me.caption = "請新增第1位職工資訊"
end sub
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