sql server 2005:
select id, bid, title, addtime from
(select id, bid, title, addtime, row_number() over (partition by bid order by addtime desc) as rn from 表名) as t
where rn = 1
相容sql server 2000:
select b.id, b.bid, b.title, b.addtime from
(select bid, max(addtime) as lastadded from 表名 group by bid) as a
inner join 表名 as b
on a.bid = b.bid and a.lastadded = b.addtime
select *
from tb k
where not exists(select * from tb where k.bid=bid and k.addtime 求教一條sql語句,**等... 求教乙個sql語句寫法``` 3樓:匿名使用者 如果在sql2000中用,把||該為&把字串中的單引號換了。 declear sql varchar(200); set sql=select * from s_text; else end if 4樓:道 sql=select*from s_textif id<>"" then sql=sql&" where " else end if 5樓:匿名使用者 6樓:流香羽 sql = "if exists(select top 1 from s_text where id = " & id & ") select * from s_text where id = " & id & " else select * from s_text where 張三"的nickname欄位和email欄位。 select nickname,email from testtable where name='張三' 求教一條複雜的sql 的意思是根據date1排序找出usname username 的人返回top1,如果有值,則exists則返回ture,沒值則返回false,所以,不管有值沒值,你前面的都會執行,因為沒判斷,所以導致更新全部記錄。這個語句或者乙個都不更新,或者更新全部 因為where exists 或者是true ... create function dbo.f str bigclassname int returns varchar 8000 as begin declare r varchar 8000 set r select r r title from product where bigclassname... 這裡給出的pl sql語法 select 化學,物理 from table where 數學 select max 數學 from table 這已經在oracle上測試過 補充 既然是oracle你沒必要建乙個動態的檢視!如果實時要求不高的話,建議你用oracle的固化檢視!查詢化學和物理成績以總...SQL更新一條語句哪裡錯了