country of origin是什麼意思

時間 2021-06-25 11:57:26


原產國1、n-count起源;**;起因;由來you can refer to the beginning, cause, or source of something as its origin or origins .

...theories about the origin of life...


2、n-count出身;身世;血統when you talk about a person's origin or origins, you are referring to the country, race, or social class of their parents or ancestors.

thomas has not forgotten his humble origins.



意思 害怕。一 全文 遊子吟 唐 孟郊 慈母手中線,遊子身上衣。臨行密密縫,意恐遲遲歸。誰言寸草心,報得三春暉。二 譯文 慈母用手中的針線,為遠行的兒子趕製身上的衣衫。臨行前一針針密密地縫綴,怕的是兒子回來得晚衣服破損。有誰敢說,子女像小草那樣微弱的孝心,能夠報答得了像春暉普澤的慈母恩情呢?三 賞析...


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cpu configuration是 處理器設定的意思。通常情況下,電腦進入bios setup才能找到了其中的cpu configuration選項。因各個主機板情況不同,無法準確說明詳細,通常來說,在各大廠商的cpu configuration中,可以對cpu的溫度控制做三類設定 允許cpu的溫...