when we two parted
in silence and tears,half-broken-hearted
to sever for years,
pale grew thy cheek and cold,colder thy kiss;
truly that hour foretoldsorrow to this.
the dew of the morningsank chill on my brow--it felt like the warningof what i feel now.
thy vows are all broken,and light is thy fame;
i hear thy name spoken,and share in its shame.
they name thee before me,a knell to mine ear;
a shudder comes o'er me--why wert thou so dear?
they know not i knew thee,who knew thee too well:--long, long shall i rue thee,too deeply to tell.
in secret we met--
in silence i grieve,
that thy heart could forget,thy spirit deceive.
if i should meet theeafter long years,
how shall i greet thee?--with silence and tears.
when we two parted
in silence and tears,half-broken-hearted
to sever for years,
pale grew thy cheek and cold,colder thy kiss;
truly that hour foretoldsorrow to this.
the dew of the morningsank chill on my brow--it felt like the warningof what i feel now.
thy vows are all broken,and light is thy fame;
i hear thy name spoken,and share in its shame.
they name thee before me,a knell to mine ear;
a shudder comes o'er me--why wert thou so dear?
they know not i knew thee,who knew thee too well:--long, long shall i rue thee,too deeply to tell.
in secret we met--
in silence i grieve,
that thy heart could forget,thy spirit deceive.
if i should meet theeafter long years,
how shall i greet thee?--with silence and tears.
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