
時間 2021-07-23 22:16:48


1.how about john's report? what was john's report like? how was john's report?

2.how did he do? what position did he come?

3.who's the prettiest girl here?

4.how far is the college from here? what's the distance from here to the college?

5.which car do you prefer?

6.how deep is the river? what's the depth of the river?

7.who's the tallest boy in the class?

8.is he as good as you at english?


1.how about his performance?

2.what's the result about tom?

3.who is most beautiful girl?

4.how far is the college?

5.which one do you prefer about the car?

6.what is the depth of that river?

7.who is the tallest among these boys?

8.is he good at english as you do?


1.how was john's report?(你的成績怎麼樣?) 【這個我們英語書上有哦

2.這句意思是 :他名列前茅 但不知道怎麼提問呢..

3.who is the prettiest girl here?(這兒最漂亮的女孩是誰?)

4.how far from here to the university?(從這兒到大學有多遠)

5.which car did you like?(你喜歡哪一輛車?) 【這個不確定 .. 英語成績不好

6.what's the depth of that river?(那條河有多深) 【也不確定

7.who is the tallest boy in the class? (誰是班上最高的男孩?)

8.is he good at english as you do ?(他和你的英語一樣好麼?)

有些藉助了翻譯器. 不好意思呢

仿照例句的表達方法,仿寫句子,仿照例句的表達方法,仿寫句子。 啊,老橋,你如一位德高望重的老人。

1 比喻 大樹,你如同一把為我們遮陰送涼的大傘。2 擬人 微風吹過,柳枝伸展著柔軟的腰肢,向風兒打招呼。3 排比 市場的水果真多啊,有又紅又大的蘋果,有又紫又圓的葡萄,有又香又甜的蜜橘。4 誇張 沙漠裡荒無人煙,寸草不生。 最後乙隻枯葉蝶 1.啊,山川,你如一位淡雅清麗的少女。2.走進這片田野,麥穗...


1.how about john s report?what was john s report like?how was john s report?2.how did he do?what position did he come?3.who s the prettiest girl here?...


勇欣笑庹斐 幸福的感覺如五光十色的花兒,沁人心脾,幸福就是夏日的清泉,減暑解渴又舒適宜人。 佘聽露裔瓊 幸福的感覺如冉冉公升起的朝陽,溫暖舒適,幸福就是流淌著的溪水,幽靜細小而又綿綿不絕。 何寒蕾掌燁 幸福的感覺如香醇四溢的美酒,耐人尋味,幸福就是剛解凍的溪水,澄澈透明又無暇無眥。幸福是一回家就有可...