
時間 2021-05-04 18:34:00


歌曲:hey juliet

**:all sides

歌手:lmnt (由4個人組隊)


《what is a youth》

歌詞:what is a youth?impetuous fire.

what is a maid?ice and desire.

the world works on.

a rose will bloom.it then will fade.

so does a youth.

so does the fairest maid.

comes a time when one sweet smile

had its season for a while.

then love's in love with me.

some they think only to marry.

others will tease and tarry.

mine is the very best parry.

cupid he rules us all.

caper the caper, sing me the song.

death will come soon to hush us along.

sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.

love is a past time that never will fall.

sweeter than honey and bitter as gall.

cupid he rules us all


hey juliet 奧林巴斯數位相機的廣告曲

一首女聲唱的英文歌 關於羅密歐與朱麗葉什麼的


是 泰勒.斯威夫特的《love story》.


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