cagnet唱hear me cry, 歌詞如下you couldn』t say
you couldn't say
needed someone new
you actually thought
deep inside i knew
can you tell me how can you say
why this should suffice
you passed me by
and your heart as cold as ice (you passed me by)
did you see me cry (did you ask yourself why)
did you see me cry (did you ask yourself how)
can you hear me cry (did you ask yourself)
will we ever grew apart
you, you couldn't say
needed someone new
and you actually thought
deep inside i knew
i wonder where we will go
will we be the same (you passed me by)
i laugh inside i think of you
and the love we made (you passed me by)
tell me why this should suffice
i hold you through the night
now will i let it go
soon i'll let it go
can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself why)
can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself how)
can you hear me cry (will you ask yourself)
will we ever grow apart
you, i'll stand by your side
i'll be there for you (you passed me by)
you, i'll stand by your side
please just do me right (you passed me by)
you, i'll stand by your side
i'll be there for you
中文還是英文的??腦子裡第乙個浮現出:世界名曲《say you say me》,很抒情,不過這是男的唱的。。。
夢相隨 mc 說 夢相隨 夕陽歸 伊人毀 一人醉 忘記叫做無所謂 還是這樣子叫做無怨無悔 夢相隨 夕陽歸 伊人毀 一人醉 無所謂 淚以墜 唱 時間就像一把枷鎖 曾經在乎叫做經過 現在在乎一個結果 選擇了一個解脫 沒有了一個解說 熟悉的輪廓 你為她而淪落 有的時候感覺自己做人太過失敗 想要一切都能夠的...
聽到一首歌,只知道大概的兩句歌詞,不知道是什麼歌大約歌詞中有 一次一次和你說分手,其實是想你挽留
輕哼回憶 不要再說你還愛我 雲菲菲不要再說你還愛我 不想再被你迷惑 怪我當初太執著 才陷入這感情漩渦 我想試著重新生活 不想再受你折磨 含著淚對你說分手 算是我對你最後的懇求 一次次等著你的回頭 我的心總是被你傷透 是我對你的忍讓遷就 才讓痛苦陪伴在我左右 一次次說要和你分手 心裡卻渴望你的挽留 你...
kcm 夜空之星 with no noo kiroy y 楊鄭承 白智英 愛情會來嗎 愛情是戰爭 feat outsider gilme hugh grant haley bennett way back into love 淑熙 啦啦啦南韓傷感歌曲 t ara day by day nurbek ...