馬丁 因為這個歌曲紅遍全世界
the cup of life
do you really want it? (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
go, go, go (go, go, go)
ale, ale, ale (ale, ale, ale)
go (go)
go (go)
go (go)
go (go)
here we go!
the cup of life,
this is the one.
now is the time,
don't ever stop.
push it along,
gotta be strong,
push it along,
right to the top.
como cain y abel
es un partido cruel
tienes que pelear por una estrella
consigue con honor
la copa del amor
para sobrevivir y luchar por ella
luchar por ella (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
here we go!! ale, ale, ale
go, go, goal!! ale, ale, ale
arriba va!! el mundo esta de pie
go, go, goal!! ale, ale, ale
la vida es
hay que sor
ser campeon
la copa es
la bendicion
la ganaras
go go go
and when you feel the heat,
the world is at your feet.
no one can hold you down
if you really want it!
just steal your destiny
right from the hands of fate.
reach for the cup of life
'cause your name is on it!
do you really want it? (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
tu y yo, ale, ale, ale!
go, go, gol! ale, ale, ale!
tonight's the night! we're gonna celebrate!
the cup of life! ale, ale, ale!
gotta go and get it.
do you really want it?
gotta go and get it.
do you really want it? (yeah!)
the cup of life,
this is the one.
now is the time,
don't ever stop.
push it along,
gotta be strong,
push it along,
right to the top.
como cain y abel
es un partido cruel
tienes que pelear por una estrella
consigue con honor
la copa del amor
para sobrevivir y luchar por ella (si!)
luchar por ella (si!)
luchar por ella (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
here we go! ale, ale, ale!
go, go, goal! ale, ale, ale!
tonight's the night! we're gonna celebrate!
the cup of life! ale, ale, ale!
un, dos, tres! ole, ole, ole!
un, deux, trois! ale, ale, ale!
arriba va!! el mundo esta de pie
go, go, gol!! ale, ale, ale!
ale, ale (ale, ale)
ale, ale (ale, ale)
ale, ale (ale, ale)
ale, ale, ale!
2023年世界盃足球賽主題曲《義大利之夏》是giorgio moroder、gianna nannini演唱,喬吉奧·莫羅德爾作曲。
2023年6月10日,第16屆世界盃足球賽在法國聖丹尼體育場開球,開幕式上有一首熱力奔放、激昂震撼的“go go go!ale ale ale”,定令你印象深刻。這首用英語和西班牙語合唱的歌曲,讓億萬球迷心潮盪漾,如痴如狂,隨即風靡全球。
伴隨著這首世界盃賽的主題曲《生命之杯》(“the cup of life”)一起紅遍全球、揚名四海的就是演唱這首歌的歌手----瑞奇-馬汀。
歌手名稱: 瑞奇馬汀
98年法國世界盃,瑞奇馬丁唱的the cup of life
狗 狗 狗 啊雷 啊雷 啊雷~!
狗狗狗 那來哦來哦來~!
足球世界盃最出名的歌曲為2023年世界盃主題曲《生命之杯》,其次為2023年世界盃主題曲《義大利之夏》,再次為2023年世界盃主題曲《waka waka》
瑞奇馬丁唱的生命之杯 也就是98年法國世界盃的主題曲
90年世界盃的 義大利之下 和98年世界盃生命之杯 都不錯
90年世界盃的《 義大利之夏》 和98年世界盃《生命之杯 》
馬丁 因為這個歌曲紅遍全世界
the cup of life
do you really want it? (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
go, go, go (go, go, go)
ale, ale, ale (ale, ale, ale)
go (go)
go (go)
go (go)
go (go)
here we go!
the cup of life,
this is the one.
now is the time,
don't ever stop.
push it along,
gotta be strong,
push it along,
right to the top.
como cain y abel
es un partido cruel
tienes que pelear por una estrella
consigue con honor
la copa del amor
para sobrevivir y luchar por ella
luchar por ella (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
here we go!! ale, ale, ale
go, go, goal!! ale, ale, ale
arriba va!! el mundo esta de pie
go, go, goal!! ale, ale, ale
la vida es
hay que sor
ser campeon
la copa es
la bendicion
la ganaras
go go go
and when you feel the heat,
the world is at your feet.
no one can hold you down
if you really want it!
just steal your destiny
right from the hands of fate.
reach for the cup of life
'cause your name is on it!
do you really want it? (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
tu y yo, ale, ale, ale!
go, go, gol! ale, ale, ale!
tonight's the night! we're gonna celebrate!
the cup of life! ale, ale, ale!
gotta go and get it.
do you really want it?
gotta go and get it.
do you really want it? (yeah!)
the cup of life,
this is the one.
now is the time,
don't ever stop.
push it along,
gotta be strong,
push it along,
right to the top.
como cain y abel
es un partido cruel
tienes que pelear por una estrella
consigue con honor
la copa del amor
para sobrevivir y luchar por ella (si!)
luchar por ella (si!)
luchar por ella (yeah!)
do you really want it? (yeah!)
here we go! ale, ale, ale!
go, go, goal! ale, ale, ale!
tonight's the night! we're gonna celebrate!
the cup of life! ale, ale, ale!
un, dos, tres! ole, ole, ole!
un, deux, trois! ale, ale, ale!
arriba va!! el mundo esta de pie
go, go, gol!! ale, ale, ale!
ale, ale (ale, ale)
ale, ale (ale, ale)
ale, ale (ale, ale)
ale, ale, ale!
足球就是長傳 任意球好點 但拍電影的話絕對具有殺傷力 小貝個人突破是軟肋 但他的長傳,定位球和任意球是一絕 長傳能力強 有些人喜歡 我不喜歡 人有多帥,球有多好!世界盃足球賽總共有多少場?32支球隊分成8小組賽進行小組迴圈賽,每組4支隊,共需8 6 48場,16支球隊晉級。8分之一決賽 16支球隊進...
我個人覺得是西班牙 首先,我覺得西班牙這屆世界盃陣容很完整,無傷病情況。第二,西班牙具有奪冠實力 1.門將 有世界排名前十的兩位門將 卡西利亞斯 和 雷納。卡西利亞斯更有歐洲最忙碌門將之稱。大門有他們把守,可以說是最讓人放心的球門之一。2.後防線 後防一直是西班牙隊的薄弱環節,但這屆世界盃他們卻擁有...
我認為這是一場火星撞地球的比賽,精妙,詭異 5個進球,雙方聯手奉獻的35次射門以及每10分鐘一次的高潮,昨晚的英德大戰堪稱本屆世界盃開賽以來最精彩的一場比賽。日耳曼戰車徹底摧毀了卡佩羅和他的球隊,英格蘭人不得不接受無緣8強的命運。今報世界盃報道組 高潮一 克洛澤與貝利平起平坐 從第一分鐘開始,雙方便...