edwin starr
war -- edwin starr
oh no-there's got to be a better way
say it again
there's got to be a better way-yeah
what is it good for?
*war has caused unrest
among the younger generation
induction then destruction
who wants to die?
what is it good for?
absolutely nothing
say it again
what is it good for?
absolutely nothing
war-i despise
'cos it means destruction
of innocent lives
war means tears
to thousands of mothers how
when their sons go off to fight
and lose their lives
i said
it's an enemy of all mankind
no point of war
'cos you're a man
give it to me one time-now
give it to me one time-now
war has shattered
many young men's dreams
we've got no place for it today
they say we must fight to keep our freedom
but lord, there's just got to be a better way
it ain't nothing but a heartbreaker
warfriend only to the undertaker
warwarwar-good god, now
nowgive it to me one time now
now now
what is it good for?
how deep is your love----dru hill
don't stop 'til you get
dru hill 的how deep is your love
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