誰有Killers的《for reasons unknown》的歌詞

時間 2022-08-18 16:55:08



for reasons unknown

i pack my case. i check my face. i look a little bit older.

i look a little bit colder. with one deep breath, and one big step, i move a little bit closer. i move a little bit closer.

for reasons unknown.

i caught my stride. i flew and flied. i know if destiny』s kind, i』ve got the rest on my mind.

but my heart, it don』t beat, it don』t beat the way it used to. and my eyes, they don』t see you no more. and my lips, they don』t kiss, they don』t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes don』t recognize you no more.

for reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.

there was an open chair. we sat down in the open chair. i said if destiny』s kind, i』ve got the rest on my mind.

but my heart, it don』t beat, it don』t beat the way it used to. and my eyes, they don』t see you no more. and my lips, they don』t kiss, they don』t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes don』t recognize you at all.

for reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.

i said my heart, it don』t beat, it don』t beat the way it used to and my eyes don』t recognize you no more. and my lips, they don』t kiss, they don』t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes don』t recognize you no more.

for reasons unknown; for reasons unknown; for reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.


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