根據提示寫問句1 答句There were five el

時間 2021-05-04 02:16:28


1.how many elephantsat were at the zoo yesterday?

2.what is amy going to do this weekend?

3.what day was it yesterday?

4.what was the weather like last night?

5.do you teach math in the school?

6.what is your mother doing?

7.are you reading books?



1. how may elephants were (there) at the zoo yesterday?

2. what is amy going to do this weekend?

3. what day was it yesterday?

4. how was the weather last night?

或:what was the weather like last night?

5. are you a teacher in the school?

6. what is your mom doing?

7. are you reading?

根據答句寫問句 問句:? 答句:yes,he teaches maths. 問句:? 答句:no


yes, he teaches maths. 的問句可以是:does he teach maths? (他教數學嗎?)

no. i am going to buy a comic book. 的問句可以是:

are you going to buy a story book? (你想要買一本故事書嗎?)

根據答句寫問句,英語 根據答句寫問句

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