安全對每個人都很重要 請根據以下資訊內容提示,寫關於校園安全的英語小短文

時間 2021-10-14 18:56:52


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求寫一篇英語80個單詞左右的作文 安全對於每個人都很重要。中小學生年齡較小,學生安全更是人們安全關... 30


safety is very important to everyone. middle school students are flowers of our country, so students』 safety is becoming the focus to us all.

first, we must obey the traffic rules when we go out. don』t cross the street when the traffic lights are red. keep to the right in the street.

second, we should eat healthy food. don』t eat junk food. eat more fruits and vegetable.

eat less meat and eggs.

besides, don』t hurt ourselves while we are playing. it』s dangerous to swim in the river alone, so don』t go to the river without permission.

in a word, it』s important to remember these for us all.


security is very important to everyone.we need to start from the following points.

traffic safety: follow the traffic rules, not through a red light..

food safety: eat healthy food, don't eat junk food.

.security: exercise, don't hurt yourself, not to swim in rivers.

we should to do more, pay attention to safety, healthy growth.


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