
時間 2021-12-20 17:36:49


my friend

this is my good friend.her name is demgjiao.her family name is deng.

her given name is jiao.she is from china.her teiephone numbet is 3763752.

she is twellve.



liming is my best friend. he is tall and thin. he has short and black hair.

he likes sports very much. he is good at playing football.he studies very hard.

he does well in all the subjects.

he is helpful, and he always helps classmates do a lot of things. so all of us like him very much.

我最好的朋友和我之間的比較 英語作文帶翻譯


my best friend** is my best friend ,he is 14 years old.he has black hair and he has two big eyes,he is tall and thin.he likes smiles.

he likes playing baskerball and tennis ,he often beats me.i like swimming and he like running,we also like drawing ,he studies hard and gets good grades,he is outgoing,he likes talking with people ,i like him,and he is my best friend.**是我最好的朋友,他是14歲,有黑色的頭髮,他有一雙大眼睛,他又高又瘦,喜歡他喜


寫一篇關於《我的朋友》的英語作文,300字 20





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