the ingredients are different.
the way of cooking chinese food is different from that of cooking american food.
what's the difference between chinese food and american food?
what are the diffrences between chinese food and american food?
任何人anybody anyone 某些人somebody 有些人some people 沒有人nobody 每人everybody 任何事anything 某些事something 有些事something 沒有事nothing 每件事everything 任何時候any time 某時somet...
超超 簡單的問題,快來!!!
根據現代漢語詞典,黃帝是約前26世紀初,距今4700年。幫忙啊!急急急啊!1。設底面長a,寬b,所以a b 900 總面積s 3a 3b 3a 3b 900 6 a b 900最省錢就要a b最小。因為a b 900,所以確定a b範圍,得901 a b 60所以面積最小s 1260,此時a 30....
no matter in the past or in the future,no matter in domestic countries or foreign countries,environment is human s friend,treating the environment wel...