
時間 2022-07-24 17:15:14


6. i like _______ because they're funny.

a. comedy b. the comedy

c. a comedy d. comedies

選擇d. like後跟名詞複數

7. --- are these your english books?

--- yes, ________.

a. they're b. they are c. these are d. they're not

選擇b 肯定回答得用完全角式

8. can you_______ a key to school______me?

a. take, to b. need, to c. bring, for d. give, for

選擇d 這是向人要東西所說的話

9. my mother likes volleyball. she thinks (認為) it is _______.

a. fun b. boring c. difficult d. hard

選擇a 因為前面有"喜歡"

10. mary likes sports very much and she plays sports _______.

a. everyday b. an every day c. every day d. every days

選擇a "每天,天天"是everyday,由於在句尾,因為它作狀語,如果是 every day,則只能用於句首,強調"每一天"


一樓的第8題有誤 其他都正確

8. can you_______ a key to school______me?

a. take, to b. need, to c. bring, for d. give, for

選擇c 翻譯更確切 你能把鑰匙給我帶到學校來嗎?

用bring 從遠處帶來

初1英語造句,初1英語造句 70

前回國好 without ever knowing his origin.little amaranta rsula, 成都新東方烹飪學校 造句sentence 七年級英語 造句 初一英語造句 i want to play soccer.我想踢足球。i want to tell you someth...


設 甲每天的功率為x 乙每天的功率為y 因為甲乙合作10天可以完成 那麼可以得出 10x 10y 1 又因為甲先做14天乙又做8天完成 得出 14x 8y 1 這樣算出x 30分之1 也就是說甲每天能做總工程的三十分之一 也就是單獨做這項工程需要30天 設甲每天完成x,乙每天能完成y 則有10 x ...


1 式子添一項4x,再減一項4x,目的是構造出 x 4 這個因式。就得到 x 16x 4x 16 x x 16 4 x 4 x x 4 x 4 4 x 4 x 4 x 4x 4 x 4 x 2 2 a b 0,則有a b,代入所求式子 a a b ab b b b b b b b b b b b 0...