private sub form_click()dim fs as single
dim cj as string
fs = inputbox("請輸入分數", "分數轉化")if fs < 100 then
if fs >= 90 then
cj = "a等"
elseif fs >= 80 then
cj = "b等"
elseif fs >= 70 then
cj = "c等"
elseif fs >= 60 then
cj = "e等"
cj = "d等"
end if
end if
print cj
end sub
2)select case 法:
private sub form_click()dim fs as single
dim cj as string
fs = inputbox("請輸入分數", "分數轉化")select case fs
case 90 to 100
cj = "a等"
case 80 to 89
cj = "b等"
case 70 to 79
cj = "c等"
case 60 to 69
cj = "e等"
case 0 to 59
cj = "d等"
end select
print cj
end sub
3、private sub form_click()dim i as integer, m as integerdim n as integer
n = 100
dom = sqr(n)
for i = 2 to m
if n mod i = 0 then
goto l
end if
next i
print n
l: n = n + 1
loop while n <= 300
end sub
4、private sub form_click()dim a as integer, b as integerdim n as integer
for a = 1 to 9
for b = 0 to 9
n = a * 1000 + 200 + b * 10 + 3if n mod 23 = 0 then
print n
end if
end sub
5、private sub form_click()dim m as integer, n as integer, d as integer
m = 10 * 30
print "陌生人給了富翁"; m; "萬元"
s = 1
d = 1
sum = 0
dosum = sum + s
s = s * 2
d = d + 1
loop while d <= 30
sum = sum / 10000000
print "富翁給了陌生人"; sum; "萬元"
end sub
6、private sub form_click()dim m as integer, n as integer, a as integer, b as integer
dim k as integer, l as integerfor k = 11 to 99
if k mod 10 <> 0 thenl = (k mod 10) * 10 + int(k / 10)for a = 1 to 9
for b = 1 to 9
m = a * 10 + b
n = b * 10 + a
if k + m = l + n thenprint k, m
end if
end if
end sub
1、private sub form_click()
form1.currentx = form1.width / 2
form1.currenty = form1.height / 2
form1.fontname = "黑體"
form1.fontsize = "12"
form1.forecolor = vbred
form1.print "要顯示的文字"
end sub
private sub form_click()
dim scor as integer
scor = inputbox("輸入成績:")
if scor > 100 or scor < 0 then
msgbox "成績無效!"
exit sub
end if
if scor >= 90 then
msgbox "該生成績為a等"
elseif scor >= 80 then
msgbox "該生成績為b等"
elseif scor >= 70 then
msgbox "該生成績為c等"
elseif scor >= 60 then
msgbox "該生成績為d等"
msgbox "該生成績為e等"
end if
end sub
private sub form_click()
dim scor as integer
scor = inputbox("輸入成績:")
if scor > 100 or scor < 0 then
msgbox "成績無效!"
exit sub
end if
select case scor
case is >= 90
msgbox "該生成績為a等"
case is >= 80
msgbox "該生成績為b等"
case is >= 70
msgbox "該生成績為c等"
case is >= 60
msgbox "該生成績為d等"
case else
msgbox "該生成績為e等"
end select
end sub
3、private sub form_click()
dim a, i
for a = 100 to 300
for i = 2 to int(sqr(a))
if a mod i = 0 then exit for
if i = int(sqr(a)) and a mod i <> 0 then print a
end sub
4、private sub form_click()
dim a, b, num
for a = 1 to 9
for b = 0 to 9
num = a & "2" & b & "3"
if val(num) mod 23 = 0 then print val(num)
end sub
5、private sub form_click()
dim a, b, i
a = 10 * 30
b = 1
for i = 2 to 30
b = 2 * b
print "這乙個月中陌生人給了百萬富翁" & a & "萬元;" & vbcrlf & "百萬富翁給陌生人" & b / 1000000 & "萬元。"
end sub
6、'由於要顯示 的東西太多這裡使用text1文字框顯示,記得要把multiline屬性設為true,scrollbars屬性設為2或3。
private sub form_load()
text1.text = ""
dim num1, num2, num3, num4, a, b, c, d
for a = 1 to 9
for b = 1 to 9
for c = 1 to 9
for d = 1 to 9
num1 = val(a & b)
num2 = val(c & d)
num3 = val(b & a)
num4 = val(d & c)
if num1 + num2 = num3 + num4 and num1 <> num2 then text1.text = text1.text & num1 & "+" & _ num2 & "=" & num4 & "+" & num3 & vbcrlf
end sub
請各位大俠幫幫忙,翻譯下急用,請各位大俠幫幫忙,翻譯下。。。急用 5
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