(科技成果 奉獻鐵路)railway contribute to the cause of scientific and technological achievements
(紀念公司成立十五周年)to commemorate the 15th anniversary of its establishment
科技成果 奉獻鐵路
high technology contributes to better railway.
anniversary of company built fifteen years
科技成果:scientific and technological achievements
奉獻鐵路:devotion to railway
to commemorate the 15th anniversary of firm's establishment
advancement in science and technology for the development of china railway.
--on the 15th anniversary of our company
science and technology achievements for railway
——on the 15th anniversary of our company
main heading:scientific achievement is devoted to the railway.
commemoration the 15th anniversary since the company's foundation
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小公升初英語翻譯,小公升初英語 漢譯英 請高手翻譯
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漢譯英,請英文高手進來。翻譯英語 高手請進
i m sorry for a lot of thing to you,i owe much things to you,please give me some time,i ll do better 自己翻譯的。費了半天勁希望幫到你。翻譯英語 高手請進 讓你的孩子學習的難度接近讓他們吃蔬菜。有乙個...