中譯英 一杯果汁,快點,扔垃圾,一包薯條,兩塊三明治,飛走了,騎自行車,放風箏,堆雪人

時間 2021-10-14 22:37:12


a glass of juice

hurry up

a pack of chips

two sandwichs

fly away

ride bicycly

send up the kite


a cup of juice


take out the trush

a box of french friestwo sandwiches

fly away

ride a bike

fly a kite

make a snowman


a cup of juice, faster, throw rubbish, one pack of french fries, 2 pieces of sandwiches, fly away, ride a bicycle, play kite, make snowman


a glass of juice, speed up / come on, throw out the garbage, a bag of chips, two sandwiches, fly away, ride a bicycle, fly a kite, make a snowman


天悅 1 note short shipped 2 note add 3 to provide material to provide 晴天飛鳥 remark short weight remark optional to be provided information to be provided...


大家說的都是中式英語!英語不好 i am bad at english.i can t speak english well.my english is not good enough.放心使用吧,沒錯的。整句話是 i am sorry.my english is not good enough b...


不得以任何形式 不得在網上流傳散布,我就寫成一句了,本來不得以任何形式 已經包含不得在網上流傳散布了啊。我也不清楚官方到底是怎麼樣的,我就自己寫的。solemnly declare this work is for personal collection only,all copyright res...