翻譯兩句話 工作職責 負責接待來賓,接聽或轉接外部電話負責公司各部門之間的溝通和協調

時間 2022-05-20 19:40:08


work duties:in charge of receptions of foreign guests, answering or transfering outside calls; responsible for the communication and coordination among all departments in the company.




work duties:in charge of receptions of foreign guests, answering or transfering outside calls; responsible for the communication and coordination among all departments in the company;in charge of the publishment of regulations and staff sign-in for the company.





work duties:in charge of the publishment of regulations and staff sign-in for the company;the receptions of foreign guests, answering or transfering outside calls; responsible for the communication and coordination among all departments in the company.


this is not a definite object picture,but the structure and colour of definite object are the same as the picture.this is not physical picture.but it ...


1.weibo 見 時 無意識 見 彼 達 會話 送 何 侵 感 2.達 知 彼 空港 迎 行 言 好意 持 男 狀況 國 発生 可能性 心配 他意 希望能幫到您 川十彥 私 博 時 見 彼 達 対話 送 出 侵害 2 前 知 彼 彼 空港 迎 行 一部 男 情況 置 國 可能 私 心配 意味 翻訳...

高人翻譯 兩句話,英譯中,請高人翻譯。

請高人翻譯 靖郭君田嬰準備在封地薛修築城防工事,因為會引起齊王猜疑,不少門客去諫阻他。田嬰於是吩咐傳達人員不要為勸諫的門客通報。有個門客請求謁見田嬰,他保證說 我只說三個字就走,要是多乙個字,願意領受烹殺之刑。田嬰於是接見他。客人快步走到他跟前,說 海大魚。然後轉身就走。田嬰趕忙問 先生還有要說的話...