一小時內哦連詞成句,速求 一小時內哦 連詞成句 英語

時間 2022-07-02 10:15:08


①cover, you, computer , did, the/did you cover the computer?

②you, would, how, them, help /how would you help them.

③i, let, you, hope, down, me, won't/i won't let you hope me down.

④other, get, we, well, along, should, each, with/we should get along well with each other.

⑤today, if, were, it, we, fine, hiking, go, would /it would fine if we were go hiking today.

⑥to, i, do, what, don't, know, now/i don't know what to do now?

⑦can, do, deal, you, he, think, problem, with,this/do you think he can deal with this problem?

⑧covered, a, the, cloth, red, mother, my, table, with/my mother covered the table with a red cloth.

⑨cold, then, area, water, the,under, burned, running, put/then put the burned area under cold running water.

⑩yourself, what, you, do, if, would, cut, accident, by, you/what do you do if you cut yourself by accident


1 did you cover the computer?

2how would you help them?

3i won't hope you let me down.

4we should get along well with each other.

5if it were fine today ,we would go hiking.

6 i don't know what to do now.

7 do you think he can deal with this problem?

8 my mother covered my table with a red cloth.

9 then put the burned area under cold, running water.

10 what would you do if you cut yourself by accident?


1.did you cover the computer?

2how would you help them

3 i hope you won`t let me down

4we should get along well with each other

5.if it were fine today,we would go hiking

6. i don`t know what to do now

7.he think you can deal with this problem

8.my mother covered the table with a cloth

9.then put running cold water under the burned area

10.what,would you, do, if, you cut,yourself by accident,

主題 關於家庭溫馨作文一小時內寫出內容一定要新要現寫好的給加分

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